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INTRODUCTION OUR PURPOSE To Advance Sustainable Economic Growth and Financial Opportunity ADVANCING THE CLIMATE TRANSITION DRIVING INCLUSIVE GROWTH Clean Energy Accessible & Innovative Healthcare Sustainable Transport Financial Inclusion Sustainable Food & Agriculture Accessible & A昀昀ordable Education Waste & Materials Communities Ecosystem Services ACHIEVING OUR PURPOSE What We Do: Our Work With Clients How We Do It: Our Firm How We Address Gaps: We will continue to develop solutions Goldman Sachs has also operationalized Our Partnerships, Engagement, that meet our clients’ needs. As they sustainability and inclusivity across our and Impact prepare for a more sustainable future — own global footprint. By extending our Sustainable, inclusive growth spans and ready themselves for the business commitments across regions, focusing beyond any one organization or impact that this change will bring — it is on our supply chain, and providing individual. We must work collectively critical that we meet clients where they our people with the tools they need to overcome challenges and impact are on their sustainability journey and to succeed, we’ve led through action meaningful shifts. That’s why Goldman look to develop customized solutions to advance sustainable business Sachs identi昀椀es strategic partners for them. We leverage the full breadth outcomes. across sectors — with expertise of our commercial franchise so that that complements our own — to 昀椀ll Goldman Sachs is well-positioned to underlying gaps and address the address our clients’ unique challenges complexity together. By joining forces, and opportunities — client by client, we believe we help drive lasting change business by business, and asset by for years to come. asset. Sustainability Report 2021 Introduction 9

Goldman Sachs sustainability report - Page 9 Goldman Sachs sustainability report Page 8 Page 10