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CLIMATE TRANSITION Sustainable Supply Chain vendors’ controls to prevent environmental, modern slavery, Management and human tra昀케cking issues. We continue to educate our vendor managers and sourcing Last year, we further enhanced our ESG requirements professionals on the issue of modern slavery and human and controls within both our sourcing and ongoing vendor tra昀케cking in the supply chain. Last year we invited nonpro昀椀t management processes, developing a suite of ESG Hope.Inspire.Love to speak to our sourcing teams and standards for all vendors to meet. We made signi昀椀cant provide a better understanding of human tra昀케cking issues in progress toward our commitment to assess 100% of vendors the US, including how to spot the signs of human tra昀케cking for ESG risk, with new risk screening criteria embedded into and how to take action against it. This year, we will continue our vendor management platform, with the aim of identifying to partner with organizations at the forefront of these issues vendors with higher inherent ESG risks. This in turn enabled to educate and raise awareness. us to conduct deeper ESG assessments focused on our Sustainability Report 2021 Climate Transition | Driving Sustainability in Our Own Business 45

Goldman Sachs sustainability report - Page 45 Goldman Sachs sustainability report Page 44 Page 46