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GOVERNANCE 2021 Transaction Breakdown and Highlights In 2021, the Sustainable Finance Group reviewed approximately 1,800 transactions for environmental and social risks. We identi昀椀ed and managed EHS risks in several potential transactions and portfolio companies — and in some cases, decided to forgo participation due to the high levels of risk that could not be mitigated or that did not align with our policies or sustainability commitments. TRANSACTION REVIEW — SECTOR TYPE 700 658 600 500 400 336 300 238 200 174 150 100 100 47 25 48 12 0 LS S Y E G S R N N R L R R N A E O E E A T U H I IO U C S T NI T T AT F E C OT A A W IO MI R RU MI IL & G ER RT B HE FO T & O O C S EN AS L G SP R A F T ER RAN IN ME W T O P Note: “Other” includes agriculture, cryptocurrency, carbon, consumer retail, 昀椀nancial sponsor, palm oil, and TMT Sustainability Report 2021 Governance | 2021 Transaction Breakdown and Highlights 90

Goldman Sachs sustainability report - Page 90 Goldman Sachs sustainability report Page 89 Page 91