KEY METRICS & INDICATORS Trend 2021 2020 2019 2020-20211 Energy (Cont.) Energy Use Intensity for O昀케ces (kWh/sq. ft.) 21.3 20.7 26.5 ◊ Reduction in Energy Use Intensity for O昀케ces -36% -38% -20% from Baseline (%) 3 Global Renewable Energy Consumption (MWh) 416,660 399,572 460,455 ◊ Percent Renewable Energy5 100% 100% 98% Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Scope 1 — Direct (metric tons CO2 equivalent 12,166 9,647 12,673 [tCO2e])4 Natural Gas 51% 61% 68% Other Fuels4 25% 9% 6% HFC Refrigerants 24% 30% 26% Scope 2 (location) — Indirect (tCO2e) 143,797 141,583 166,249 Purchased Electricity 98% 98% 98% Purchased Steam & Chilled Water 2% 2% 2% Scope 2 (market) — Indirect (tCO2e) 10,148 4,283 9,109 Purchased Electricity 67% 39% 64% Purchased Steam & Chilled Water 33% 61% 36% Scope 3: Category 6 — Business Travel (tCO2e) 23,802 29,295 135,473 Commercial Air 68% 69% 83% Other Travel6 32% 31% 17% Total Emissions: Scopes 1 & 2 (location) (tCO2e) 155,963 151,230 178,922 Total Emissions: Scopes 1 & 2 (market) (tCO2e) 22,314 13,930 21,782 Total Emissions: Scopes 1 & 2 (market), 46,116 43,225 157,255 and Scope 3: Category 6 (tCO2e) ◊ Net Emissions: Scopes 1 & 2 (market), 0 0 0 and Scope 3: Category 6 (tCO2e) 3 Note 1: Many metrics trending upward from 2020 to 2021 are primarily due to lifting COVID-19 restrictions and employees returning to the o昀케ce. Note 3: This symbol ◊ before an indicator denotes an environmental commitment through Goldman’s 2025 ESG and Net Zero Commitments and ongoing 2020 Operational Commitments. Net Emissions noted as zero represents achievement of the 昀椀rm’s carbon neutral commitment across operations and business travel. Reductions are from a 2017 baseline, except plastics which are from a 2021 baseline or where otherwise noted. Note 4: Other fuels includes jet fuel and fuel oil. Note 5: The 昀椀rm sourced renewable electricity equivalent to 100% of global electricity consumption. 96% is in line with RE100 market boundary criteria. Note 6: This includes charter air, rail, bus, ferry, car, and hotels. Historical data points may be adjusted to re昀氀ect new information and/or changes to protocols. SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 KKeey My Meettrriiccs & Is & Innddiiccatatoorrs | Es nvironmental Indicators 95
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