INCLUSIVE GROWTH Bringing the Power of Goldman Sachs to Consumers Building on our long history as a 昀椀rm and the commercial with General Motors, furthering our commitment to creating insights we have gained over the years, we continue to great products within the ecosystems where our consumers infuse lessons into our own consumer business — where spend their time. the power of technology, data, and our own leadership and commitment to consumers converge to help Being a part of our customers’ 昀椀nancial journey means being democratize consumer 昀椀nance at scale. there every step of the way — including when customers need us most. With the onset of COVID-19, we were one of 3 In the consumer business, our vision is to build the the 昀椀rst banks to design and launch a customer assistance consumer banking platform of the future to meet the program that allowed customers to defer payments at no cost saving, spending, borrowing, and investing needs of our across our lending products and Apple Card. By intertwining customers. We believe in playing an impactful role in shaping an understanding of our customers’ needs with social consumers’ wealth, so our products are designed to help responsibility and simplicity of design, we worked with Apple power consumers’ 昀椀nancial ambitions and their pursuit of to create a practical and useful solution that emphasized better 昀椀nancial outcomes. We are uniquely positioned to empathy and our commitment to customers. Additionally, as serve our customers by marrying two distinct Goldman a result of our continued focus on customer centricity with Sachs capabilities: our 150+ years of 昀椀nancial expertise and Apple Card, this past year, customers recognized Goldman excellence and an interconnected, tech-fueled consumer Sachs and Apple Card with the number one ranking in banking platform. Customer Satisfaction in the Midsize Credit Card Issuers Segment according to J.D. Power — highest in the Midsize Customers experience our consumer business in two ways: Credit Card segment among all of the surveyed factors4. through our direct-to-consumer business Marcus and in the ecosystems of our partners. We use our technology and our Looking ahead, we’re excited to connect with our customers’ expertise to embed powerful 昀椀nancial tools into consumers’ everyday money with our Marcus Checking product, which daily lives — meeting them where they are, anticipating their launches later this year. We know that the small decisions needs, removing friction, and providing insights into consumers make every day have an enormous impact on their 昀椀nances. wealth, which is why we have designed Marcus Checking to focus on growth, rather than fees. In everything we do, we put customers at the center through a variety of 昀椀nancial products that meet their needs: a We’re just getting started, and we will work to keep up with our high-yield online savings account; certi昀椀cates of deposit in customers’ and partners’ ambitions through listening, learning, a variety of terms; no-fee, 昀椀xed-rate, unsecured personal and co-creating to drive the future of 昀椀nancial services. loans; 昀椀nancing for small businesses; managed portfolios of of exchange-traded funds (ETFs); and free 昀椀nancial literacy 1—Variable APRs range from 11.24% to 22.24% based on creditworthiness. Rates as of April 1, 2022. tools all integrated into a digital app experience. Apple 2—Apple Card will be reported to credit bureaus for each co-owner. Co-owners will have full Card, launched in 2019 in partnership with Apple, aims to visibility into all account activity and each co-owner is responsible for the other co-owner’s instructions or requests. Each co-owner is individually liable for all balances as they have joint revolutionize the credit card experience and help consumers responsibility for all aspects of the account, including all transactions and payment obligations on the co-owned Apple Card, and each will be reported to credit bureaus as an owner on the account. lead a healthier 昀椀nancial life with features that include: no Credit reporting includes payment history and other information about your Apple Card, including negative items like missed payments. Card usage and payment history may impact each co-owners 1 credit score di昀昀erently because each individual’s credit history will include information that is fees, Daily Cash back, and seamless integration into Apple’s unique to them. Either co-owner can close the account at any time but you will still be responsible for paying all balances on the account. For details on account sharing options including some of mobile devices. Customers also have access to inventive the risks and bene昀椀ts, click here. features, such as Apple Card Family, which allows individuals 3—The New York Times: “Which Consumer Lenders Are (and Aren’t) Helping the Most,” March 2020. to build credit together as equals2. In January, we launched Nerd Wallet: “How Credit Card Issuers are Responding to COVID-19,” October 2021. our second co-branded credit card, GM Card, in partnership 4—Apple Newsroom: “Apple Card customers ranked Goldman Sachs and Apple Card No. 1 in customer satisfaction among Midsized Credit Card segment, according to J.D. Power,” August 2021. SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 IInncclluussiive Gve Grroowwtth | Dh | Dee昀椀昀椀nniinng ag annd Ed Exxeeccuuttiinng og on On Ouur Sr Sttratrateeggyy 64