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KEY METRICS & INDICATORS Trend 2021 2020 2019 2020-20211 Sourcing Paper Consumption (million sheets) 42 48 139 New Fibers (FSC/SFI) 96% 92% 66% Post-consumer Recycled 3% 5% 19% New Fibers 1% 3% 15% Paper Consumption/Employee (sheets) 965 1,177 3,634 ◊ Reduction in Paper Consumption/Employee -79% -74% -21% from Baseline (%) 3 Plastics Single-use Plastics (tons) 11 28 N/A N/A ◊ Plastic Beverage Bottles and Disposable 95% N/A N/A Plastics O昀케ce Supplies 5% N/A N/A Events and Hospitality ◊ Green Cleaning Products (%) 40% 43% N/A ◊ Sustainably Sourced Foods (%) 21% N/A N/A Supply Chain 12 Vendor Code of Conduct 100% 100% 100% ◊ Vendors With Inherently Higher ESG Risk Who 60% N/A N/A Have Been Assessed (%) 13 ◊ Spend With Diverse Vendors (%) 26% N/A N/A CDP Climate Change Survey: Score A- A A- Climate Change Survey: Leadership Recognition 14 SER A List A List / SER A List SER A List Note 1: Many metrics trending upward from 2020 to 2021 are primarily due to lifting COVID-19 restrictions and employees returning to the o昀케ce. Note 3: This symbol ◊ before an indicator denotes an environmental commitment through Goldman’s 2025 ESG and Net Zero Commitments and ongoing 2020 Operational Commitments. Net Emissions noted as zero represents achievement of the 昀椀rm’s carbon neutral commitment across operations and business travel. Reductions are from a 2017 baseline, except plastics which are from a 2021 baseline or where otherwise noted. Note 11: 2021 is the new baseline year for single-use plastic since data boundary has increased and data collection has improved. Note 12: All newly onboarded vendors must attest to the Vendor Code of Conduct. All vendors are screened for inherent ESG risks. Note 13: All vendors who we deem to have an inherently higher ESG risk and are over our material spend threshold are now required to complete an ESG questionnaire within 60 days of onboarding. Note 14: In 2019, 2020, and 2021, the 昀椀rm’s CDP response was recognized for leadership as part of CDP’s Supplier Engagement Rating (SER). Historical data points may be adjusted to re昀氀ect new information and/or changes to protocols. SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 KKeey My Meettrriiccs & Is & Innddiiccatatoorrs | Es nvironmental Indicators 97

Goldman Sachs sustainability report - Page 97 Goldman Sachs sustainability report Page 96 Page 98