INCLUSIVE GROWTH Building a Career Buying / Renting a Home Chime Solutions · $35 million loan South Meadows · $75 million investment in the NAHT BDI Black women entrepreneurs cite limited access to Commercial real estate remains one of the least diverse capital as the largest barrier to success. We provided industries in the US. We made a commitment to invest $75 a $35 million loan to Chime Solutions, a Black woman- million in the National A昀昀ordable Housing Trust (NAHT) led human resources and sta昀케ng company that “Black Developers Initiative,” a fund that will 昀椀nance provides customer support and outsourced contact a昀昀ordable housing projects sponsored by primarily center services to blue-chip organizations across the Black women-led developers. Through the NAHT “Black 昀椀nancial services, healthcare, and telecommunications Developers Initiative,” Goldman Sachs is providing capital sectors. Chime’s mission is to create jobs with family- to Laurel Street, a Black woman-led real estate 昀椀rm, to sustaining wages and economic opportunity for people develop South Meadows, a mixed-use project in Rome, in underserved communities while helping its clients Georgia. South Meadows is a 100% a昀昀ordable residential deliver high-value customer care solutions. Chime’s development with 80 multifamily units, all of which will be o昀케ces are located in underserved communities, and a昀昀ordable to households earning between 30% and 80% they employ over 2,000 professionals, of which a of the area’s median income. South Meadows is adjacent to majority are Black Women. Chime also partners with a community farm providing healthy food in a low-income daycare operators to provide on-site subsidized child neighborhood and features a stand-alone learning facility. care services to its employees, a critical need in low- The housing, educational, and health programming are income communities that enables working parents to operated in partnership with the South Rome Alliance, a remain in the workforce. local nonpro昀椀t organization. SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 IInncclluussiive Gve Grroowwtth | Oh | Onne Me Milliilolion Bn Blalacck Wk Woommeenn 5858
Goldman Sachs sustainability report Page 57 Page 59