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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES DISCLOSURE FOCUS AREA DISCLOSURE DESCRIPTION EXPLANATION STRATEGY Disclose the actual and a) Describe the climate-related risks and Hubbell's annual assessment of enterprise risks and regular business continuity planning, as well as strategic product potential impacts of opportunities the organization has initiatives, drive our processes for determining the risks and opportunities that may have a material 昀椀nancial impact climate-related risks and identi昀椀ed over the short, medium, and on our company over the short, medium, and long term. The time horizons we use to evaluate the impact of future opportunities on the long term risks and opportunities are de昀椀ned as follows: short term (0-1 years), medium term (1-3 years), and long term (3-10 organization’s businesses, years). Through the assessment process, Hubbell has examined physical risks as well as transition risks associated strategy and 昀椀nancial with the shift to a low-carbon economy. We have identi昀椀ed risks with the potential to have a strategic impact on planning. our business including increases in operating costs due to emerging climate-related regulations and carbon taxation schemes (short and medium term), as well as increased costs of raw materials, reduced sales, and potential impact on the supply of necessary products and services resulting from disruption caused by the increased severity and frequency of severe weather events, such as hurricanes, wild昀椀res, and 昀氀oods (short, medium, and long term). In addition to risks, we have identi昀椀ed opportunities that include reductions in operating costs resulting from e昀케ciency improvements in production and distribution processes (short and medium term), increased demand for lower- carbon products (short, medium, and long term), and increased sales through demand from new and emerging markets as potential regulatory and market drivers continue to grow the renewable energy market, which our products support (medium and long term). b) Describe the impact of climate-related risks In an e昀昀ort to mitigate the acute and chronic physical impacts of climate change on our operations (e.g., more severe and opportunities on the organization’s weather events), we have taken steps to voluntarily reduce our GHG emissions. Through our public disclosures, businesses, strategy, and 昀椀nancial planning we aim to in昀氀uence other companies to also reduce the environmental impacts of their operations. We have implemented business continuity and disaster recovery programs to ensure our physical operations and supply chains are taking steps to mitigate the risk and impact of interruption. In addition to physical risks, forthcoming GHG/climate change legislation that limits GHG emissions may impact our company's growth by increasing raw material costs and/or decreasing demand for products that do not support a low-carbon economy. Such regulations are expected to raise the costs of energy, therefore amplifying our business imperative to manage energy and emissions in light of the uncertain regulatory environment in this area. We have identi昀椀ed and leveraged opportunities to progress projects that improve operational e昀케ciency and engage with stakeholders to explore markets for environmentally preferable products, such as those that enhance energy e昀케ciency or enable renewable energy infrastructure. To that end, Hubbell's NPD team regularly engages with customers to assess ways we can help them achieve their business and sustainability objectives and in turn, develops new products and solutions that o昀昀er more sustainable outcomes. c) Describe the resilience of the organization’s While reducing our environmental impacts and performing in accordance with our sustainability goals is a priority strategy, taking into consideration di昀昀erent to our business, at this time we are still in the process of developing our climate change strategy, including our low- climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C carbon transition plan. We intend to use climate-related scenario analysis to inform our strategy and disclosures in or lower scenario the next 3-5 years once we have further evaluated our climate change risks and opportunities. 83

Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report - Page 83 Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report Page 82 Page 84