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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE KEY ESG FOCUS AREAS To oversee and drive progress toward our sustainability commitments, we established BOARD OF General Risk and Program Oversight sound governance structures. At Hubbell, DIRECTORS • Provides overall risk oversight for the company ESG oversight starts at the Board level. 9 Directors, 8 • Reviews key business, functional, and ESG risks Our Corporate Governance Guidelines of whom are and the Charter of the Nominating and independent • Receives periodic updates on social, environmental, and Corporate Governance Committee (NCGC) sustainability matters formalizes oversight of the company’s ESG programs and goals as part of the Board’s responsibilities. As one of our 昀椀ve standing NOMINATING Oversight of ESG Program committees, our NCGC is charged with AND CORPORATE speci昀椀c oversight of ESG matters, including GOVERNANCE • Oversees ESG strategy the management of climate- or sustainability- COMMITTEE • Reviews ESG risks, practices, policies, and programs related risks and opportunities. 5 Directors, all • Evaluates progress on ESG performance and goals of whom are • Supports management of ESG-related risks and opportunities At the executive level our ESG independent Steering Committee (ESG Committee) manages our sustainability programs. The ESG ESG STEERING Management of ESG Program Committee, which is comprised COMMITTEE of senior leaders, is responsible • Devises ESG strategy, ensuring alignment with for devising, executing, and monitoring our Senior leaders, including overarching business objectives ESG strategy, goals, initiatives, and reporting. our Senior Vice President, • Directs ESG programs, initiatives, and target-setting To drive informed decision-making across the General Counsel and • Reports ESG initiatives to the Board company, they also engage with leadership on Secretary and Chief ESG-related matters. Throughout the year, they Compliance O昀케cer • Manages ESG-related risks and opportunities report Hubbell’s ESG goals, performance, and challenges to the Board, NCGC, and senior leadership on a regular basis. Directly below Execution of ESG Program the ESG Committee, we also developed and • Collaborates with cross-functional teams to 昀椀lled new sustainability-focused positions in SUSTAINABILITY implement ESG strategy 2022 to assist with the management of our & ESG TEAM ESG data, initiatives, and programs. The • Spearheads internal and external reporting, expansion of this team demonstrates our Global, dedicated team including data management and stakeholder ongoing commitment to invest in our ESG engagement program and improve of our performance. • Drives initiatives and performance 56

Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report - Page 56 Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report Page 55 Page 57