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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES VALUE GENERATED FROM OUR PRODUCTS WITH IMPACT Our Products with Impact support the transition to an energy e昀케cient and low-carbon economy through four impact categories: grid modernization and hardening, resource e昀케ciency, renewable energy, and electri昀椀cation. Of our $4.9 billion sales in 2022, 63% were associated with our Products with Impact, 1 which represents >$3.1 billion. 1. This calculation includes all sales from electrical utility T&D components and utility communications and controls, as well as products sold directly into solar and wind applications. It also includes products that support grid modernization and communications applications such as 5G/昀椀ber/broadband access and data centers. This calculation excludes sales from products sold into oil and gas markets, which enhance the safety of those applications. It also excludes sales from our broader portfolio of electrical products sold into various industrial, non-residential, and residential applications. 15

Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report - Page 15 Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report Page 14 Page 16