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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES GRI STANDARD DISCLOSURE EXPLANATION COMMUNITY IMPACT GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of material topics We recognize that our business touches communities worldwide, thanks in part to the thousands of employees and customers who Topics 2021 choose to work with us. As a result, we believe it is our responsibility to promote and nurture the well-being of our local communities. Our main vehicle for community impact is The Hubbell Foundation. Overseen by a board of trustees comprised of Hubbell senior GRI 413 Local 413-1 Oper ations with local community leaders, The Hubbell Foundation has collaborated with organizations to donate to mission-aligned nonpro昀椀t organizations in the US Communities engagement, impact assessments for over 50 years. 2016 and development program The Hubbell Foundation supports a variety of other nonpro昀椀t organizations through its employee donation and matching gifts campaign, scholarship fund program, and employee volunteering activities. Our Volunteer Paid Time O昀昀 Policy permits our US employees to use a paid workday to volunteer in their local communities. The Hubbell Foundation tracks these campaigns by measuring donations, matching gifts, and volunteering hours. PRODUCT QUALITY AND SAFETY GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of material topics Across our business segments and units, we maintain a strong emphasis on continual product quality improvement to better serve our Topics 2021 customers. Each business is responsible for managing product quality, which allows for a tailored approach customized to the unique business environments and quality requirements of our diverse product portfolio. Speci昀椀c quality management practices vary depending on our business units’ product lines and the unique needs of their customers, but generally, product quality management e昀昀orts include some or all of the following: •  Ensure we obtain the right raw materials, work with quali昀椀ed suppliers, and maintain tested and proven processes throughout our production work昀氀ow •  Follow internationally recognized best practice quality management systems like International Organization for Standardization (ISO) •  Use, where applicable, third-party product safety, quality, or sustainability certi昀椀cations such as UL and CSA or industry-speci昀椀c certi昀椀cations •  Conduct phased quality testing of products in the lab followed by testing in controlled 昀椀eld environments •  Continuously improve the e昀昀ectiveness of our quality management systems, our processes, and products to enhance their value In addition to delivering quality products, helping our customers keep their people and end users safe is a priority for our business. To that end, we aim to ensure and improve the safety of our products. Due to the diverse nature of our businesses, safety practices and needs can vary depending on the business segment, business unit, and product line. Generally, to improve and support product safety, we: • Incorporate safety considerations in the early stages of and throughout the product design process • Seek to eliminate hazardous chemicals from relevant products and processes •  As required, ensure/pursue compliance to relevant regulatory requirements, including the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive and the European Union Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation •  Continuously monitor product performance in the 昀椀eld, track warranty rates, and work to appropriately address potential safety hazards identi昀椀ed as a result •  Develop innovative safety features to help customers stay safe such as real time leak detection, temperature sensors, automatic shuto昀昀s, and digital solutions for preventative maintenance GRI 416 Customer 416-2 Incidents of non-c ompliance No incidents of non-compliance concerning health and safety impacts of products and services were recorded in 2022. Health and Safety concerning the health and 2016 safety impacts of products and services 75

Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report - Page 75 Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report Page 74 Page 76