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6. thE roAdmAP For corPorAtE AmErIcA enViROnMenT (13%) Has policies and practices to protect the environment 36% Uses natural resources ef昀椀ciently and reduces waste 35% Minimizes pollution 29% JOBs (12%) Creates jobs in the U.S. 50% Number of Jobs in the U.S. 36% Creates jobs globally 13% COMMUniTies (11%) Does not do business with companies with abusive conditions 27% Does not work with governments or authorities that oppress people 22% Maintains strong relationships with communities 14% Uses local products and resources 13% Contributes to charitable causes and gives back to communities 13% Does not cause or contribute to international con昀氀icts 11% leAdeRshiP & shARehOldeRs (8%) Follows laws and regulations 23% Leadership acts and communicates with integrity 21% Maintains integrity in 昀椀nancial reporting 20% Pays fair share of taxes 15% Makes a pro昀椀t over the long term 8% Pays CeO fairly compared to workers 8% Provides investor return over the long term 6% JUST CAPITAL | 19

JUSTCapital SurveyReport2018 - Page 21 JUSTCapital SurveyReport2018 Page 20 Page 22