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7. Just scorEcArd currEnt goAl For currEnt goAl For IssuEs PErFormAncE ImProvEmEnt IssuEs PErFormAncE ImProvEmEnt environment (13%) leAdersHip (8%) Pollution CEO Pay What e昀昀orts are we taking to minimize What is our CEO-to-median worker pay ratio? pollution? Is executive compensation based in any way Management on ESG risks and performance? What environmental management systems do Board Leadership we have in place? What percentage of our Board is made up How are we measuring and disclosing them? of women? People of color? What about Independent Outside Directors? Jobs (12%) Creation What is the total U.S. headcount of our workforce? Number What is the percentage change in our U.S. workforce over the past 昀椀ve years? communities (11%) Human Rights Have we conducted a formal human rights impact assessment of our entire business operations? Have we disclosed our 昀椀ndings? Local Communities Have we disclosed a policy, commitment, or e昀昀ort to source from local suppliers or support local businesses? Charitable Giving Do we provide opportunities for employees to take paid time o昀昀 for volunteering? Do we match their charitable donations? JUST CAPITAL | 25

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