5. AmErIcA’s commItmEnt to chAngE deMOgRAPhiC diFFeRenCes When looking at di昀昀erent demographic groups, we see additional nuance in the results. Across gender, age, and household income ranges, the majority of respondents chose Company A – but di昀昀erences emerged when we looked at the demographic sub-groups and compared to the 10% and 20% less pay scenarios. GeNDeR CHOSe COMPANY A Women were more likely than men to choose 10% LeSS PAY 20% LeSS PAY Company A – the more just company that pays less – at both the 10% and 20% levels. Women 81% 75% Men were among the demographic groups least Men 73% 67% likely to select Company A when the pay was 20% less (67%). Q. See page 11. Base: Working Respondents (N = 1,602 unweighted), MOE +/- 3.2 percentage points | Women/10% = 379 (unweighted) MOE +/- 5.0 percentage points, Men/10% = 422 (unweighted) MOE +/- 4.8 percentage points | Women/20% = 371 (unweighted) MOE +/- 5.1 percentage points, Men/20% = 430 (unweighted) MOE +/- 4.7 percentage points. AGe CHOSe COMPANY A Respondents 40+ years old were more likely than 10% LeSS PAY 20% LeSS PAY those under 40 to choose Company A – but only when the pay was 20% less. Under 40 78% 65% 40+ 76% 76% those under 40 were more sensitive to the amount of pay. 78% of respondents under 40 said they would choose Company A over Company B when they were paid 10% less, but only 65% would opt for Company A if it meant 20% less salary. Q. See page 11. BASE: Working Respondents (n = 1,602 unweighted), MOE +/- 3.2 percentage points | Under 40/10% = 400 (unweighted) MOE +/- 4.9 percentage points, 40+/10% = 401 (unweighted) MOE +/- 4.9 percentage points, Under 40/20% = 363 (unweighted) MOE +/- 5.1 percentage points, 40+/20% = 438 (unweighted) MOE +/- 4.7 percentage points. Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUS JUST CT CAPITAPITAL | 13AL | 13
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