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5. AmErIcA’s commItmEnt to chAngE In an e昀昀ort to better understand their willingness to encourage and incentivize just business behavior, we asked Americans what they have done to show support for a company’s positive behavior. CAn PeOPle dRiVe ChAnge? To gauge their sense of empowerment in the market, we asked Americans how e昀昀ective they think people can be when they act together to try to change companies’ behavior: believe that people are believe that people are 79% somewhat or very effective 21% not very or not at all effective The response indicates a modest upswing from the same question in 2017, which yielded the following: believed that people are believed that people are 71% somewhat or very effective 28% not very or not at all effective This augurs well for those trying to in昀氀uence corporate behavior in one direction or another, but when it comes down to taking action, what precisely are Americans willing to do to help encourage and support more just companies? Q: How e昀昀ective do you think people can be when they act together to try to change the behavior of large companies? Base: Total Respondents, N = 3,582 (unweighted), MOE +/- 2.2 percentage points. Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUS JUST CT CAPITAPITAL | 9AL | 9

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