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4. AmErIcA’s vIEws on BusInEss How do AmericAns perceive tHe stAte of business todAy? WheRe We’Re heAding ❱ MessAges TO CeOs Overall, Americans have a less negative attitude That said, the percentage of Americans who believe As part of our survey, we asked toward corporations than they did in 2017 – what companies are heading in the right direction did not Americans: “If you could send one message to the CEOs of America’s some might consider to be a cautious optimism. Last signi昀椀cantly change – 27% last year versus 30% this largest companies on any topic, what year, 47% of Americans thought companies were year. The di昀昀erence seems to be made up by those would your message be?” heading in the wrong direction, whereas this year, who say they don’t know, suggesting that, while Overwhelmingly Americans want only 38% shared this view. fewer Americans see business heading in the wrong companies to prioritize workers, with direction, they’re still not sure it’s heading in the 1,500 respondents speaking speci昀椀cally right direction. about employee treatment. Here are just a few of those messages: Right Direction A business is only as strong as its weakest link – take care of every 30% employee from the bottom up. — Female, 29, White, Democrat, CA 27% If you take care of your employees, they Wrong Direction will take care of your growth. — Male, 31, Hispanic, Democrat, PA 38% Value your employees. It’s not all about 47% the dollar. — Female, 30, White, Republican, VA Don’t Know Invest in your people. — Male, 47, White, Republican, FL 32% Look out for all your employees. 25% They create the backbone and heart of your company. n 2018 | n 2017 — Male, 47, Hispanic, Republican, CA Treat your workers well! They ARE the company. Q: In general, do you think the behavior of companies is going in the right direction or in the wrong direction? — Female, 45, Black, Democrat, MD Base: Total Respondents, N = 3,582 (unweighted), MOE +/- 2.2 percentage points. Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUST CAPITAL | 5

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