6. thE roAdmAP For corPorAtE AmErIcA ❱ The iMPORTAnCe OF gOOd WhAT Rises TO The TOP When iT COMes TO WORkeR TReATMenT? BeneFiTs Within the Workers Issue area, Americans placed the most importance on bene昀椀ts – including quality health When asked to rank order the most insurance, retirement planning (401k or other), and paid time o昀昀 via sick, parental, vacation, and bereavement important just business behaviors related to bene昀椀ts, Americans prioritized: leave policies – followed, in order of importance by these Components of just business behavior: 1. Health insurance options 2018 Worker Components 2. Retirement planning (401k or other options) 3. Sick leave policy 16% Provides workers with good bene昀椀ts package 4. Parental leave policy 5. Vacation policy 15% Pays a living wage 6. Bereavement leave policy Q Please rank the following from 1-6, with 1 being 14% Provides a safe workplace most important to just company behavior and 6 being least important to just company behavior. Base: Total Respondents (N = 3,073 unweighted). 13% Does not discriminate in pay ❱ FAiR WAge And A liVing WAge 13% Pays a fair wage for industry and job level A living wage is de昀椀ned as the minimum income necessary to pay for basic Adheres to equal opportunity workplace policies needs – like food, housing, and medical 12% care – in a speci昀椀c, local community. Provides training and career A fair wage should be in line with 6% development opportunities industry averages – de昀椀ned as being appropriate for location, job level, quali昀椀cations, experience, 6% Promotes work-life balance and performance. 4% Creates a responsive and transparent workplace culture Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. 22 | JUST CAPITAL
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