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Leadership About Vision How We Operate What We Create How We Collaborate Looking Ahead Data Index Path to net zero Putting emissions first encourage companies to Engaging our suppliers to Capacity building purchase an amount of drive net zero progress Deliver capacity-building content to enhance Meta is part of the Emissions renewable energy equal to that suppliers’ sustainability maturity. First partnership, a coalition of the electricity purchased. To help us reach net zero of like-minded companies that emissions across our value chain Accounting created a set of objectives and This approach has driven in 2030, we are partnering with Gather annual GHG emissions and help suppliers principles aiming to update hundreds of new renewable our suppliers to commit to understand the material activities leading to purchased electricity GHG energy projects onto grids Silicon Ranch Solar science-aligned GHG reduction those emissions. emissions accounting systems around the world. Since 2012, targets and to use 100% to better drive carbon reductions. Meta’s corporate procurement We've partnered with renewable energy for Meta- Target setting has galvanized more than Silicon Ranch, one of the related production and services. Engage collaboratively with suppliers to set GHG accounting standards 10 gigawatts (GW) of new largest independent power GHG reduction targets for 2025 and 2030 in provide the framework renewable energy, enough to producers in the U.S., By the end of 2026, we intend alignment with the science and the context of companies use to ensure the power more than 750,000 on 16 projects totaling to engage with suppliers that our business together. climate solutions they pursue homes. approximately 1,500 MW of represent at least two-thirds are credible and will meet new solar energy, including of our supplier spend budget Execution the criteria to be included in Focusing on the emissions 720 MW contracted in through: Work directly with suppliers to create corporate climate goals. impact of electricity generation Georgia and Tennessee in accountability, partnerships and executable action rather than comparing 2022. Silicon Ranch’s model plans in a supplier-specific, prioritized manner. To reduce emissions from megawatt-hours used vs of land management co- purchased electricity (Scope megawatt-hours purchased locates renewable energy 2), accounting standards and is critical to unlocking production with regenerative emissions calculation programs decarbonization at scale. agriculture practices. 2023 Meta Sustainability Report 14

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