Introduction Environment Social Governance Appendix Corporate Governance Enterprise Risk IP Protection & Data Piracy Ethics and Compliance Ethics and Compliance We are committed to managing our business ethically and with Our Global Anti-Corruption Policy requires our employees and integrity. Our Code of Ethics sets out our expectations for conduct contractors to abide by global anti-corruption and anti-bribery among our employees and board members. We encourage laws. We provide regular training on compliance with this policy, reporting of breaches of our code or any unethical or inappropriate in addition to conducting regular and ongoing risk assessments. conduct to our Chief Legal Officer or, in the case of misconduct by A copy of our practices and policies, which includes the Global a senior financial officer, to the Chair of our Audit Committee. We Anti-Corruption Policy and Code of Ethics, has been translated also provide access to a third-party operated service where reports into numerous languages and remains available to all employees of misconduct can be made confidentially and, if desired, throughout their employment with us. anonymously, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year Other areas of focus include commitments to compliance with in local languages. Reports made through this service are elevated applicable government mandated sanctions regimes (with and investigated until they are resolved, and updates are provided leadership provided by a designated Sanctions Compliance annually to the Audit Committee. Officer) as well as compliance with human rights legislation 35 As part of our commitment to managing our business ethically (e.g., the UK Modern Slavery Act ). and with integrity, we seek to identify and mitigate risks that could lead to potential legal and/or regulatory violations through an annual compliance risk assessment process. Netflix ESG Report 2022 61 35 UK Modern Slavery Act Statement Available on our IR Website
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