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Disorganization Development teams' past reliance on outdated project management systems can create a lack of consistency and visibility in workflows and leads to unnecessary headaches. For example, if change orders are not tracked on a project, the team is at risk for scope gaps, and the project is more likely to come in over budget. The inability to keep a project organized at any stage of development can result in unexpected obstacles, higher costs, and lower ROI. Establishing a clear communication strategy with internal and external stakeholders can help prevent disorganized workflows. Many project managers still rely on their own ad-hoc spreadsheet formatting and document management strategy. The lack of consistency across the development team means information is at risk of being lost in the mix and makes institutional knowledge more difficult to communicate to new team members. Technology can facilitate the document management process by centralizing key information in a modern real estate platform, improving visibility among key stakeholders. Organizing crucial project data allows developers to implement data-informed strategies and prevents essential institutional knowledge from being confined to silos. 20

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