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High-Risk Tolerance High-risk tolerance, or a willingness to Informed decision-making shouldn’t end make informed, calculated risks based on after the planning stage of a project. financial analysis, is an essential trait for Tracking costs and changes throughout real estate developers. The worst-case the lifecycle of a project can help your scenario for developers is a project going team navigate unexpected concerns over budget, or worse, money running out without those endangering a project’s and preventing the project from being success. Northspyre’s proactive warning completed. Feasibility studies, which track feature can further mitigate risk, notifying a project’s strengths and weaknesses teams of potential problems before they within a given market, are a necessary part get out of hand and have a negative of due diligence, allowing developers to impact on returns. assess viability against potential risks. 13

Overcoming Real Estate Obstacles - Page 13 Overcoming Real Estate Obstacles Page 12 Page 14