1.1 | How to Upload Your Content to RELAYTO

2 minute read


When you upload your PDFs to RELAYTO, you unlock several benefits:

  • Enhanced engagement through interactive elements and personalized content.
  • Improved tracking and analytics for real-time insights and audience segmentation.
  • Simplified distribution and management with centralized storage and automated delivery.
  • Enhanced security with data protection and compliance measures.
  • Integration with other tools/channels/platforms for better customer insights and streamlined campaigns.


Note: RELAYTO ensures that each experience page has a distinct URL. If you make a copy, the copied pages will have their own respective unique URLs. 

For example, a 5-page PDF uploaded creates 5 unique URLs which make up a single digital experience. 

When you copy that digital experience, for example Version One, you create 5 new respective unique URLs. You may refer to those 5 new URLs as Version Two of the legacy content in the originally uploaded PDF. 

Alternatively, if you make an update to the legacy content in the originally uploaded PDF and then re-upload Version Two of that PDF, the respective unique URLs of Version One of the digital experiences are maintained (i.e., they don't change).

The same logic is applied to every experience inside RELAYTO.

Step 1

Click on the "Add New Content" button in the "My Content" tab of your dashboard.

Step 2

Click "Browse files" or drop the PDF. You can upload PDFs, videos, images, MP3 files, or even web pages to RELAYTO.


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