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GOVERNANCE Yes/No Comments Are the company leaders accountable to drive gender diversity? If yes, who is accountable for gender diversity within the company (Board, Executive Committee, HR)? Yes/No Are gender diversity targets part of the KPIs used to assess the variable remuneration of executives and senior managers? Can you elaborate? Yes/No ATTRACTION Gender breakdown of each management level: % of females in your global workforce % of females in non – management positions % of females in management positions % of female in Senior Executives positions % of female in the Executive Committee Implementation of unconscious bias training and scope of beneficiaries (HR functions, management, global workforce) Yes/No Please specificy the scope of beneficiaries and any additional information you will be willing to share JOB QUALITY Gender breakdown of employment type: % of female in part-time employment % of female in temporary contracts and compared to men PROMOTION Gender breakdown of the internal promotion rate Commitment to consider at least one candidate f rom each sex for every succession and/or new managerial position appointment (whether internal or external/headhunters recruitments) Yes/No % of female which benefited f rom dedicated trainings to support access to leadership Do you have any mentoring programs to help develop talent for managerial and leadership levels ? Yes/No RETENTION Gender breakdown of the turnover WORK LIFE BALANCE (please specify the geographical coverage of the policies in place and local specificities if any) Paid Maternity leave in place and measures to encourage it Yes/No Is there a global minimum for Maternity Leave to address differences in standards globally? Yes/No Flexible work options in place (covering both working locations and hours) Yes/No Do you apply global standards on paid vacation? Yes/No Grender breakdown of absenteeism rate Yes/No EQUAL PAY (not only on the base salaries but also including discretionary pay) distinguish between base salaries and discretionary every time possible Median gender pay gap Average gender pay gap Pay gap by quartile % of female in Top 10 remuneration Do you have measures in place to address any gender pay gap, such as envelopes to rebalance pay gaps? Any other effective tool to remediate the situation? Yes/No MORAL & SOCIAL HARASSMENT Do you have in place an anti harassment policy? Can you elaborate on if and how it covers both social and sexual harassment? Yes/No Doo you monitor the number of harassment cases? If yes, what remediation steps do you enforce? Do you report on them? Yes/No SUPPLY CHAIN Do you have any policies and programs to address gender based discrimination and violence as well as female empowerment in global supply chains? Yes/No CERTIFICATION/AUDIT Has your organization undertaken a gender diversity audit process ? Yes/No EDGE (Economic Dividends for Gender Equality), GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) Has your organization undertaken a gender diversity certification process? If Yes, please specify both certification type and level reached. Yes/No If Yes, please specify both certification type and level reached WEP Is your organization signatory of the Women Empowerment Principles? Yes/No 2022 Annual Report 28 30% Club France Investor Group

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