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20220233 SSUUSTSTAAINAINABBILITILITY REY REPPORORTT Message from Management 1. Overview About Kiewit Sustainability at Kiewit Our Projects 2. Governance Corporate Governance Supply Chain 3. Environmental Featured Stories CONTINUEDCONTINUED Environmental Stewardship Greenhouse Gases & Kiewit formalizes new partnership with Army Partnership for Your Success (Army PaYS) Energy Consumption Soldiers are now guaranteed an interview for employment At the event, Colonel Medcalf reflected on the similarities Kiewit Vice President of Human Resources Darron Rolle 4. Social at Kiewit following their Army service, thanks to the Army between Kiewit and the military that ensure a strong also spoke at the event. After thanking Kiewit’s existing Partnership for Your Success (Army PaYS) program. The relationship between the two organizations. “Kiewit and workforce of active and retired military for their service, Health & Safety program is a strategic partnership between the U.S. Army the military are cut from the same cloth,” he said. he also reflected on similarities between Kiewit and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and a cross-section of corporations, companies and public the U.S. Army, including an emphasis on integrity and Talent & Workforce sector agencies. Adjutant General Strong shared similar thoughts with personal development. He also remarked that Kiewit Development those gathered, reflecting on Kiewit’s long history of and the U.S. military share an ambition to make their Community Engagement Kiewit Infrastructure Engineers Design Area Manager and supporting the U.S. military through its construction organization’s better through continued diversity, equity Nebraska Army National Guard Colonel Brian Medcalf and projects, dating back to World War II when Kiewit was and inclusion e昀昀orts. Appendix Nebraska National Guard Adjutant General Craig Strong integral to the war e昀昀ort. He discussed the importance signed a ceremonial memorandum of understanding of the relationships between employers and the military, Army PaYS has more than 1,100 partner organizations, (MOU) between Kiewit and Army PaYS at an event at complimenting the talent of Kiewit’s workforce and the but few in the construction and engineering space. The Kiewit University in August 2023. The MOU formalizes the opportunities the company provides to service members program will provide Kiewit with access to its database start of a new partnership aimed at bringing more military seeking careers in the private sector. of candidates, facilitate face-to-face interviews and post Veterans into Kiewit’s workforce. job openings to its social media platforms. 69696969

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