20220233 SSUUSTSTAAINAINABBILITILITY REY REPPORORTT Message from Management 1. Overview 2023 Progress About Kiewit Sustainability at Kiewit Projects Our Projects ■ We continued to partner with clients, subcontractors ■ We completed waste diversion studies on a ■ At our Kiewit Headquarters and Kiewit University and other third-parties to execute our project- transportation project and solar project. The intent is shared cafeteria facilities, we reintroduced reusable 2. Governance based environmental management programs. Some to identify waste diversion best practices for projects dishes and utensils as an option for food service. Corporate Governance examples of these e昀昀orts begin on Pg. 33. of similar scopes. These studies were done early in the O昀昀ering reusable plates, cups and silverware is Supply Chain ■ Project teams are empowered to identify and project lifecycle, which allows more time to implement an opportunity to minimize waste and cost. We implement new ideas for how to build our work, which recommended improvements. Regular waste diversion also introduced composting with a goal of further 3. Environmental often results in environmental and other benefits. studies help us continue to build up a database of minimizing the amount of waste produced in the Beginning on Pg. 36, read about a few such practices vendors that can support our projects. kitchen facility. Environmental Stewardship on our projects that minimized environmental impacts. ■ Our Envision Community of Practice grew to ■ Over the past several years, we have made significant Greenhouse Gases & include nearly 60 employees from across the changes to our real estate portfolio to better serve our Energy Consumption ■ We’re improving how we measure water use and reuse on our projects. To pilot these processes, we organization. This group meets regularly to discuss employees and operate more e昀昀iciently. One important 4. Social were intentional to select some of our largest projects best practices and lessons learned for projects standard is the use of demountable wall systems. which are likely to have the highest overall water seeking Envision certification from the Institute This allows us to reconfigure o昀昀ice space with less Health & Safety consumption. We also selected a major project in the for Sustainable Infrastructure. waste. In 2023, many o昀昀ice upgrades were made using Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Southwest U.S., where water scarcity is an important these systems. Talent & Workforce issue in our communities. The intent is to continue Offices ■ In Omaha, Nebraska, we acquired an o昀昀ice facility Development to define reporting processes and get more projects ■ We’re improving how we measure water use and formerly occupied by another company. We began Community Engagement engaged in formally tracking their water consumption multistream recycling at our fixed facilities. We the process of relocating employees from an existing and reuse each year. regularly review data provided by our recycling facility we leased to this new facility. On Pg. 37, Appendix ■ We continued to increase the number of projects vendors. Based on these reports, there is opportunity read how we are prioritizing sustainability as we collecting waste and recycling data. The intent is to to improve how much waste is diverted and recycled. make the move. continue to define reporting processes and get more We continue to engage our vendors and facility projects engaged in formally tracking their waste coordinators to discuss opportunities for improvement. generation and disposal each year. 3232
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