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STATE OF TECH EMPLOYMENT Workers Laid Off by Department Survey Questions: How long did it Source:'s Layoff Data Analysis take you to 昀椀nd your current job? Source: ZipRecruiter Survey on Job Search Trends 50% 50% 48% 0 to 1 37% 40% month 30% 1 to 3 42% 30% months 20% 24% 3 to 6 20% months 16% 10% 13% 12% 10% 6 to 12 5% months 4% 0% ting n CSM tions e ecruiting Finance a Science AM/ R ecruiting) Mark / Oper ta s e Da l a on-R e Engineering oduct & Desig S N Pr ar Share of respondents who last worked in technology tw HR ( f So and were laid off or fired from their previous job Top Reasons Tech Workers Decided to Of the people who reported being laid off, Start a Company A昀琀er Being Laid Off 79% of them found a new job within three Source: 2022 Clarify Capital Survey months. Talent reabsorption continue at an all-time high, and according to our recruit- ers, people weren’t just taking jobs out of Men Women Overall desperation. Instead, many of these job For professional growth 55% 58% seekers trusted their skills and abilities, 61% 48% were unwilling to take substantial pay cuts For more money 55% 52% and were comfortable waiting to 昀椀nd a To create something new 47% 49% position that 昀椀t their needs best. 52% To lead others 44% 47% Additionally, a new contributor to the tech 51% talent gap emerged. If those who were laid To be their own boss 44% 47% off couldn’t 昀椀nd a role that met their ex- 51% pectations, many decided to make one for For greater opportunities 41% 43% themselves by forming their own company. 45% Job prospects looked bleak 40% 43% 63% of tech workers that were laid off said 45% that they started their own company within Not fulfilled working for others 34% 36% 12 months of losing their job, with 93% of 38% that group directly competing against their Not getting paid enough 34% 35% former employer. 36% Unable to find the right position 34% 35% Many of those who started a new enter- 35% 23% prise didn’t do it due to a lack of other Difficulty getting hired 24% 23% options, with only 23% saying they were having dif昀椀culty getting hired, but rather to Share of tech workers who say they decided to either grow their skills, make more money, start a new business due to each factor or just create something new. MOTIONRECRUITMENT.COM 06

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