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STATE OF TECH EMPLOYMENT What Tech Workers Consider Most Important in a New Role Source: Morning Consult's "What Tech Workers Want to Do Next" Salary or Hourly Pay 56% Job Security/Employment Stability 56% Benefits 55% Work-life Balance 51% Commuting Distance/Time 49% Competence of Company Leadership 48% Interesting Work 48% Ability to Work Remotely Some of the Time 46% Company's Work Culture 45% Work Aligned with Values 43% Ability to Work Entirely Remote 42% The Company's Mission 41% Company's Reputation with Peers 41% Where does that leave tech workers and companies? As one of our recruiters said, both sides need to be able to compromise, and that compromise seems to have landed on a hybrid schedule with expanded local hiring. 75% of all companies are allowing some sort of remote work, with 2.2 days working remotely on average. It does appear that while most workers feel that 5 days in the of昀椀ce is a non-starter for a job and will not accept an offer if it is full-time in the of昀椀ce, many tech workers are becoming more accepting of the hybrid schedule. Interestingly, there is a noticeable difference between generations in their preferences of where they are working, with Gen Z mostly looking to be in the of昀椀ce multiple times a week, while Generation X and Baby Boomers are the age group most likely by far to want to work from home full time. How O昀琀en Workers Want to Work Remotely Source: Hubble HQ's Future of Work Survey Gen Z Millennials Gen X and Baby Boomers 50% 42.2 40% 37.8 36.4 34.5 28.3 30.4 30% esponses 21.4 r 20% % of 14.7 11.1 10% 6.7 8 6.2 7.4 5 2.7 0.70.7 1.6 0.7 0.3 1.1 0% Never Rarely 1-2/Month 1-2/Week 3-4/Week Daily Other MOTIONRECRUITMENT.COM 12

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