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STATE OF TECH EMPLOYMENT Great Lockdown Accelerates Transformation Source: Microsoft Data Science, "Digitazation Capacity of the World Economy" 190M 1M Privacy and trust 6M Cyber security 127M 149M 20M Data analysis, machine 90M New jobs learning, and AI by 2025 23M Cloud and data roles 66M 41M 51M 98M Software development 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Continuing the trends of the past few years, companies are on the constant lookout for cyber secu- rity talent, both inside and outside of IT companies. A sector that has been at or near zero percent Developer 54% unemployment rate, cyber security will remain one of the most in-demand skill sets in tech. IT Management 46% However, speci昀椀cally inside tech companies, developers and IT management are the roles that are DevOps 40% being most recruited. For those businesses looking to build and scale a product, these roles are what Engineer 37% hiring managers need most. Security Professional 30% Project Manager 28% Data Engineer 27% Developers and IT Managers Most Recruited Roles Systems Administrator 26% Source: Linux Foundation: 2023 Tech Talent Survey Network Administrator 26% Data Scientist 24% Despite the concerns and con- Architect 23% 54% Developer sternations that 昀氀ooded the DevSecOps 20% 46% start of 2023, the tech industry IT Management Executive Management 12% 40% quickly stabilized and is still one DevOps GitOps 7% 37% of the best sectors to work in the Engineer United States economy. For those Other 1% 30% Security Professional in the IT industry who are looking Don't know or not sure 2% 28% Project Manager for work after being laid off or Data Engineer 27% want to progress in their careers, Systems Administrator 26% there are steps they can take to Network Administrator 26% improve their candidacy during Data Scientist 24% their search. Things like upskilling, Architect 23% seeing how new advancements in DevSecOps 20% technologies (like arti昀椀cial intelli- gence) are impacting your profes- Executive Management 12% sion, and possibly compromising GitOps 7% with employers when it comes to Other 1% working from home. Don't know or not sure 2% 09

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