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ENERGIZER 411. Make a Splash Go to the bathroom sink and splash water on your face. Pretend like you’re in a movie and just escaped some bad guys. 412. Recharge Like Superman Take a break during the day and try to get 10–15 minutes out in the sun (don’t forget your sunscreen).1 413. Crack Your Knuckles Burst the bubbles in the synovial fluids surrounding your joints, aka, crack your knuckles. Just don’t be too zealous about it.2 414. Burst Through Do a short burst of physical movement: a quick set of jumping jacks, a few shadow–boxing jabs, shaking out your limbs, etc. 1 Too much sun is bad for you but getting some each day increases your Vitamin D and helps show other people you are not a vampire. 2 It won’t cause arthritis, but extreme cracking may cause soft–tissue damage. 211

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 222 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 221 Page 223