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AN INTRODUCTION Greetings and salutations. First, let me thank you for purchasing this book (or borrowing it from a friend, checking it out of the library, downloading it from the internet, or glancing at it while in an airport). Second, let you thank me for writing this book. You’re welcome. Finally, and most importantly, let you thank you for taking the time to learn about humor that works. I don’t want to oversell you on this, and I’m normally a modest person (just ask my mom), but this book may change your life. Seriously. Humor is a powerful skill, one that can enhance productivity, build relationships, boost revenue, improve health, and increase happiness. And this book is here to help you start using it immediately in a way that is efficient, effective, and fun. Before we get started, there are three things you should know... i

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 6 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 5 Page 7