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SKILL BUILDING 356. Resume Humor Include sense of humor on your resume. Look for it on people’s resumes when you’re hiring. Note: This may be the most controversial tip in the entire book. Proceed with caution and decide what’s best for you. I’ve read a number of articles on “resume tips” and most will tell you NOT to include humor. Here’s my take: 1. First, many of these posts saying NOT to do it talk about “jokes.” You already know adding humor to your resume doesn’t mean being a comedian. Instead, you’re using it for amusement, such as just listing “sense of humor” as a skill. 2. If you’re looking to fill a job and you want a candidate you can relate to, why not list sense of humor as a quality you’re looking for?1 3. If you’re looking for a job and humor is a skill you possess, why wouldn’t you include it, along with other soft skills like public speaking or technical skills like proficiency at PHP? 4. Finally, if a place won’t hire you, or a candidate won’t work for you, because you listed “sense of humor,” are they really a good fit? 1 I know of more than a few people who included “sense of humor” on job posts and were happy with the results, including the mayor of a major city. 183

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 194 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 193 Page 195