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PRESENTATIONS 42. Embed Meaning Be like Alfred Hitchcock and find a way to work a picture of 1 yourself (or your kids) into every presentation. 43. Picture a Better Slide Use slides of only pictures (meaning no text). Speak to how the picture relates to your topic. 44. Lego Your Slides Use basic animation (nothing too flashy) to build the points of your slide into to an interesting or humorous image, such as a house made out of words or a smiley face of numbers. 45. Measure with Uniqueness Use unique units of measurements in your graphs and tables. For example, this book is 2 Swiss Cake Rolls long, compared to a sheet 2 of paper, which is 2.83 rolls. 1 Over the course of his 50+ year career, Hitchcock made 39 self-referential cameos. 2 Great, now I have a craving for Swiss Cake Rolls. BRB (Feel free to get a snack for yourself, too.) 35

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 46 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 45 Page 47