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PLANNING 302. Find the Perpetrator Meticulously track your days for a week. Pretend you are a CSI 1 analyst trying to find ways to be more efficient. 303. Review Your Day Before going to sleep, mentally go through your day and evaluate how it went. For added fun, try doing it as a sportscaster. 304. Address Yourself Write a letter to yourself describing where you want to be after the next 3, 6, and/or 12 months; include a joke. 305. Give Tasks a Hand Each week, think of five tasks you’d like to accomplish that week. Assign them to digits on your hand: thumb is for your most important project, index is for something for a long–term goal, middle finger is something just for you, ring finger is something for someone else, pinky is miscellaneous. 1 When I first did this, I learned a lot about myself. I found out I’m most productive between 1pm and 8pm, so in a way, it’s a “crime” to my productivity to be up early. 160

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 171 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 170 Page 172