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PLANNING 307. Go to BATL 1 Create a BATL Plan. It captures everything you COULD do. Every task. Review it weekly and promote tasks that should be accomplished that week. 308. Don’t Do Something Create a TO DON’T List—a list of things you could do, but achieving them would not be effective or strategic. 309. Cut Your Losses Stop doing projects not aligned with your long-term goals. Get over the aversion to sunk costs by celebrating the time, resource, and happiness savings you’ll get when you decide to kill a project. 310. Break It Down Break down your project into 5 steps. Break each step into 5 actionable tasks. Break each task into 5 actions (make sure one of 2 the actions is something you enjoy doing). 1 It stands for Big A** Task-List. 2 In Project Management, this is known as a Work Breakdown Structure, because if you don’t do it, the project manager has a breakdown. 162

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 173 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 172 Page 174