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SKILL BUILDING 350. Answer to Drucker In The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker lists what an effective executive should know about his or her own productivity.1 I’ve turned those ideas into a list of productivity questions, plus added a few of my own. Answer these questions about your own working style: • Do you work better in the morning or at night? • Do you need to make a number of drafts fast (rapid prototyping) or work meticulously on one draft? • Are you more productive on a team or by yourself? • Do you prefer having a detailed outline or would you rather just get started? • Do you perform better when you have plenty of time or with deadlines looming? • Do you learn better by reading a document or listening to someone talk about a subject? • What posture makes you the most productive? • How long can you be productive before needing a break (25 minutes, 50 minutes, 75 minutes)? • What type of breaks help you maintain productivity (exercise, humor, thinking, napping)? 1 See The Effective Executive. 180

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