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FUN FOR YOU 362. Dictate Your Message Dictate the text of a document through a peer or a program like Dragon Naturally–Speaking. 363. Accent Your Email When writing an email, write with a British (or other) accent in your head. See if you use different vocabulary. Just don’t get too cheeky about it or else people may think you’re barmy. 364. Don’t Live Edit Turn off autocorrect and write a first draft without eaditing 1 anyhting (even missspellings). See how good you are at typign. 365. Register Humor 2 Use a fun surname or title when registering software. 1 Claerly I’m nnot vry goo00000oood. 2 The first draft of this book was written in a copy of Microsoft Word registered to “Winnie the Drew.” 187

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 198 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 197 Page 199