ENERGIZER 401. Celebrate a “Holiday” 1 Look up an arbitrary “Holiday” and celebrate it . Create invitations, bake a cake, or decorate—all based on the holiday theme. January 4: Trivia Day July 1: International Joke Day January 16: Nothing Day July 28: Milk Chocolate Day February 17: Acts of Kindness Day August 13: Left Handers’ Day February 28: Public Sleeping Day August 27: Just Because Day March 14: National Pi Day September 5: Be Late Day March 26: Make Up a Holiday Day September 21: Gratitude Day April 1: Fun at Work Day October 7: World Smile Day April 14: Moment of Laughter Day October 13: Skeptics Day? May 1: Mother Goose Day November 17: World Peace Day May 4: Star Wars Day November 30: World Hello Day June 3: Repeat Day Repeat Day December 7: Letter Writing Day June 29: Hug Holiday December 23: Festivus 1 Find more holidays at htww.co/holidays. 207
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