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NETWORKING 118. Raffle Off Business Cards Have a bowl to collect business cards. Randomly draw a business 1 card out to decide who you go for a coffee break with . 119. Get LinkedIn Create a LinkedIn group for your company. Encourage people to join, discuss, and give each other recommendations. 120. Get Hip to Facebook Create a Facebook group for people at your work. Use it to 2 connect socially and share ideas on fun things to do in town . 121. Physicalize Facebook Create a company face book—not the website this time, the original physical copy of pictures, information, and personal details. Make it available for people to skim through (or make it readable on computers and iPads). 1 Or who wins a free Chipotle burrito. 2 It also gives you an opportunity to ask people about their experiences. “Hey Jonathan, I saw you went to a Justin Bieber concert. How was that?” 72

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 83 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 82 Page 84