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T H E 1 2 T “We can’t give up on the SDGs. It’s important “The SDGs provide a good common language H U N I to take stock, draw a line, and publicize that for people from different parts of the world T E so we can clearly state: this is where we are, for when they want to discuss sustainable D N A T this is where we need to go, and look at this development and the impact of their efforts.” I O N massive space for the world to participate in.” S G Grace Kwok May Han, L O Chairman and Executive Director of Allied Sustainability B Paddy Padmanathan, A Vice Chairman & CEO of ACWA Power and Environmental Consultants Group Limited L C O M P A C T - A “I believe that it’s the responsibility of every C C E “I think now is the time for us to fall back business to align their internal business N T U on the universal principles, such as the practices with the SDGs and see how many R of those practices they can adapt to and E C Global Compact 10 Principles and the SDGs, E to really reflect. The 10 Principles are follow consistently. Once you change your O S T U already two decades old, but today we processes, it will build momentum as your D still face the same issues.” employees and culture follow along.” Y Sandra Wu, Wen-Hsiu, Vineet Mittal, Chairperson and CEO of Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd. Chairman of Avaada Group “So far we’re yet to make the progress we “I think this pandemic has shown us that we need to on the SDGs, but you never know have to raise our ambition on a global scale. what surprises will arise. If there were It is clear that if we don’t quickly address stronger regulatory requirements, or issues around food, clothing, shelter, and increased funding from banking institutions, health, we will once more face crisis. If we then we will be able to achieve the SDGs work towards the 17 SDGs successfully, much faster.” then we have a chance.” Sudhir Hoshing, Isao Teshirogi, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of IRB Infrastructure Chief Executive Officer of Shionogi & Co., Ltd. Developers Ltd “There is still a gap between the ambition taken “We really believe in the SDGs. Looking and the impact created to achieve Agenda beyond 2030, those are still very useful 2030 due to the production of fossil fuels and targets for companies to set their own the use of non-renewable energy in many targets against. Even after we achieve them, countries. To bridge the gap, governments we need to make sure that progress will last.” and organizations must come together to Dr. David Kisa, build technology to track, reduce emissions, General Manager of Kenya Bixa Limited and boost renewable sources of energy.” CP Gurnani, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Tech Mahindra “The sustainable development goals that the United Nations created enabled us to have some consistency in our sustainability plans. “I think there’s still a long way to go when Had those not existed, our sustainability it comes to the SDGs. But unless we have a plans would have been in disarray, with no set of goals and move towards it, we’ll never semblance of uniformity across the globe.” make progress.” Arun Misra, Hemanth Kumar, Chief Executive Officer of Hindustan Zinc Limited Partner at J.K.Sarawgi & Co., Chartered Accountants 28 29

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