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T H E 1 2 T H U N I T E D N A T I O N S G L O B A L C O M P A C T - A C C E N T U R E C E O S T U D Y CEOS CALL FOR A NEW ROADMAP TO ACHIEVE THE SDGS, OVERCOME UNCERTAINTY, AND BOLSTER RESILIENCE CEOS ARE READY TO ACT, BUT FEEL barrier to building a resilient business. As Chief Officer of Lucara Diamond Corp., Eira Thomas, basis for work, but it is up to companies, and in GOVERNMENTS’ SHORT-TERM FOCUS IS Executive Officer of Unilever, Alan Jope, shares, explains that she “…found the SDGs grounding particular sector leaders, to seize and transcribe INHIBITING PROGRESS “Short-term thinking results in short-term policy and very helpful. In particular, they are useful in them into their business language.” responses, such as raising interest rates. Long- communicating the impact Lucara is trying to CEOs are ready to step up and take action on term, our focus needs to be on productivity and achieve with our overall sustainability strategy.” To accelerate action over the coming decade, sustainability, but say they need government supply side. We as a society need to embrace However, CEOs also recognize the limitations of CEOs are asking for a new roadmap to rescue action to accelerate progress. The vast majority no-regret moves, such as investing in renewable the SDGs.’s Co-Founder and Managing the SDGs. In particular, business leaders want to (90%) of CEOs feel that limited support from energy, and encourage our policymakers to do Director, Prasanna Rao, says, “Assessing be able to measure the impact of their actions government in building a resilient business is the same at pace.” Badr Jafar, CEO of Crescent progress on the SDGs is difficult because it is so on progress towards the SDGs. Lars Fruergaard negatively impacting their ability to navigate Enterprises, adds, “Depending on where you are multidimensional – it has to be broken down into Jørgensen, President and CEO of Novo Nordisk current global challenges. As Global Chief in the world, government agendas operate on actionable, measurable objectives.” A/S, states, “What gets measured, gets done. Executive Officer and Managing Director of varying timelines. Many challenges require long- We should be documenting what we’re doing, Lendlease, Tony Lombardo, notes, “Government’s term solutions by nature and cannot be solved The majority (92%) of CEOs still feel that the whether it is in relation to progress on SDGs or role is to set the vision and the policies businesses world will be able to achieve the SDGs by 2030. ESG metrics, for investment funds.” need to execute on this vision – helping guide with election-cycle thinking.” CEOs also acknowledge the role they must play change and how we operate in a just way.” in achieving the SDGs. For example, 41% of CEOs One thing is clear: with the variety and complexity CEOS REMAIN HOPEFUL WE CAN STILL feel that business is already playing a critical role of challenges today, the solutions of the past will In particular, CEOs are dissatisfied with the ACHIEVE THE SDGS, BUT A NEW ROADMAP to achieve the SDGs, with 50% of CEOs of the not be able to deliver the future of tomorrow. We short-term focus of governments because it IS NEEDED TO RESCUE THEM BY 2030 11 largest companies supporting this position. Yet, must chart a new course to embed sustainability discourages finding long-term solutions for 51% of all surveyed CEOs believe that business across the private sector and realize the vision for complex global challenges. For instance, 93% In a world where CEOs are incapable of preparing could play a critical role, but only with increased a more equitable, just, and sustainable world that of CEOs feel that short-term pressures limit for all possible scenarios, they are looking to commitment and action. Patrick Pouyanné, the SDGs have laid out for us. their ability to invest in long-term resilience global frameworks like the SDGs to help them Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of actions. Of those, 22% feel this is a high-impact chart a course. President and Chief Executive TotalEnergies, remarks, “The SDGs form a broad 26 11. Defined as companies with greater than USD 1 billion in annual revenue. 27

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