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T H E 1 2 T “The pandemic revealed our dependency H U Case Study Furthermore, 82% of SME CEOs feel they need N I on imported raw materials, which for both T increased access to financial resources to build E CENTRAL TRADING COMPANY government and business made us rethink D N resilience. President of Ma Cher (USA) Inc., Derek A T how we get those critical materials in a I O Hydon, elaborates: “Companies often require N time of disruption.” S G Localization, Scenario Planning, suppliers have certain certifications, but don’t L O B and Supplier Involvement provide the tools to learn the business case, or Vidjongtius, A President Director of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. L C engage with stakeholders, or the basic principles O M P of impact measurement. Without education and A To build safety into their supply chain planning C T support, suppliers will not be able to step up.” - and ensure food security, Central Trading A C C Company (CTC) – a diversified, industrial “Supply chain disruptions have been an E N T Ramkrishna Mukkavilli, Founder and Managing opportunity, as businesses have not just been U small-medium enterprise (SME) in Sudan – R collaborates with its customers and suppliers Director of Maithri Aquatech Pvt Ltd., adds, sourcing new suppliers, but also improving their E C E to implement a process for supply chain “Large corporations have a responsibility to supply chain resilience to face all these issues.” O S T U scenario planning. be the first movers to adopt cutting-edge D technologies to make it scalable. They have António Costa, Y CEO of Kaizen Institute (Kaizen Institute Global For data-driven scenario planning, CTC gathers the advantage in terms of knowledge and Group of Companies) data from several sources, including the CTC organizational capacity and will allow others infield teams and information collected from to follow.” their app and technical support center. This “We must make the SDGs applicable to all data is collected and refined before being Larger companies recognize this financing and companies – it’s not fair to expect SMEs to used to explore multiple different scenarios educational gap and are expressing the need to use the latest technology that is prohibitively for the upcoming year. These scenarios and take action. As Global Chief Executive Officer and expensive or for a small farmer to switch to the subsequent discussions are used as the Managing Director of Lendlease, Tony Lombardo, regenerative farming practices overnight. primary tool for forecasting and supply chain highlights: “SMEs appreciate our support in We as enterprises must support these planning for agricultural inputs, an issue that helping guide their sustainability strategies, as people working in motivated but resource- is of crucial importance – especially when lead they future-proof their own businesses for the constrained SME supply chains.” times can be over nine months for essential long-term. Large companies have a role to play Takeshi Niinami, items such as seeds. By providing more in helping SMEs collaborate across their Chief Executive Officer of Suntory Holdings Limited visibility in an inherently opaque environment, value chains.” scenario planning allows CTC to empower their farmers to make better informed To embed sustainability throughout their supply decisions, thereby improving the yield, chains, larger companies are realizing the “Large organizations already understand sustainability, and resilience of the Sudanese importance of providing pathways for SMEs to stakeholder priorities and have mandatory adopt sustainability in their organizations. “It’s reporting. When we talk about SMEs, they agricultural ecosystem. are still under no obligation to do so. Yet, if especially important to educate SMEs about they feel it is the wish of the consumer, sustainable development so that they can easily they may start to adhere to requirements.” For more information on fostering meaningful embed it in their processes. Now is the time to transition for them, as it’s easier to incorporate Vaibhav Agrawal, SME engagement on sustainability, please sustainability into operations when you are a CEO & Managing Director of Norex Flavours Pvt. Ltd. refer to the UN Global Compact’s SME small company,” says Robert Okine, Founder & Engagement Strategy. CEO of Bewsys. “Addressing issues such as female empowerment, global talent attraction, and diversification of businesses are interconnected with and made more complicated by supply chain issues.” Junichi Miyakawa, President & CEO of SoftBank Corp. 50 51

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