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T H “I believe the market plays an E 1 2 T important role that is often overlooked. H U ROAD TO 2030: BUSINESS ASKS Government needs to set the boundaries N I T E ASKS OF POLICYMAKERSOF POLICYMAKERS and allow the private sector to work D N within those rules, so that the best A T I O solution comes forward.” N The voice of private sector CEOs is clear – S G L CEOs are calling on governments to support and enable the private sector to achieve ambitious government must establish a transparent, Ronald Wuijster, O B A sustainability targets.equitable, and actionable playing field in which Executive Board Member of APG Group NV L C and Chief Executive Officer of APG Asset O businesses can take the reins and innovate. M P Management A Without collaboration between the public C T - A sector, private sector, international governing C C E organizations, and NGOs, the hope of making N T “If you’re following good governance, U any type of meaningful progress toward the R you will be more environmentally E C SDGs will almost certainly be lost. CEO of MK E ALIGN NDCS conscious and that will motivate you to O S Partners, Inc., Matt Kaufman, notes, “I want T AT 1.5°C U address critical issues and deliver on D more accountability. I want regulation. I want the your purpose commitments. But right Y PROVIDE EDUCATIONCOOPERATEpressure to have businesses report on how we now, the G in ESG is overlooked. So, until & FINANCINGON CARBON are meeting our goals regularly to hold the time we sort out the governance FOR SMESPRICINGus accountable.” part, the rest will not get resolved.” While there is significant progress to be made, Nitin Mantri, the European Union (EU) is serving as a guiding Group CEO of Avian WE light for how clear policy objectives can spur private sector action. Through the recently SUPPORT released Taxonomy Regulation, experts hope “We need more effective roundtables REALIZE A POLICY FOR BIODIVERSITY that investment will be accelerated massively that are held accountable. The UN and A JUST FRAMEWORK other global organizations need to help TRANSITION into climate action to support the transformation of the EU economy to meet its European Green keep companies accountable.” Deal objectives. The Taxonomy outlines six core Francisco Estupiñán, ASKS OF objectives: (1) climate change mitigation, (2) CEO of Fexlaw Lawyers POLICYMAKERS climate change adaptation, (3) sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, (4) transition to a circular economy, (5) pollution “We are moving towards a global prevention and control, and (6) protection and context in which strong public-private INVEST IN 28 SUSTAINABLEACTION ONrestoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. policy networks are big contributors to BASICADAPTION Through this ambitious framework, a common FINANCING a more resilient world that is prepared INFRASTRUCTURElanguage has been established between for an uncertain future. The private investors, policymakers, and business leaders. sector must lend its expertise to help This helps investors to assess the alignment the public sector shape policy.” of their investments to robust climate plans Arturo Gonzalo Aizpiri, and targets. Chief Executive Officer of Enagás ALIGN While it is true that some countries have ENABLE THEREGULATORY CIRCULARSYSTEMS TO FOSTERadopted new regulations and are investing in a ECONOMYINNOVATIONsustainable future, outcomes from COP27 show “As regulations and governmental STANDARDIZE that we still have a long way to go. Building on policies shift, it is paramount that ESG REPORTING the policymaker asks of the 2021 CEO Study, businesses worldwide come together FRAMEWORKS to help each other thrive. If we come we have refreshed CEOs asks for policymakers together and collectively address to advance resilience and sustainability in policymakers, we will be able to drive today’s climate. positive change.” Margaret Michaels, Founder of Ezra Joel Group Corporation 78 28. Principles for Responsible Investment (2022) EU Taxonomy. 79

Accenture CEO Study United Nations Global Compact - Page 79 Accenture CEO Study United Nations Global Compact Page 78 Page 80