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T H E 1 2 T FIGURE 3: IN NEARLY A DECADE OF RESEARCH, CEOS NOW UNEQUIVOCALLY FEEL IT IS H U SUSTAINABILITY IS THE ONLY PATH TO BUILD A TRULY N I T THEIR ROLE TO MAKE THEIR BUSINESS MORE SUSTAINABLE (98% AGREE) E RESILIENT COMPANY D N A T I O N CEO Survey Question: Which of the following do you think is the role of a CEO? S G L O SUSTAINABILITY RISES AS A COMPETITIVE create a better, more stable world.” ZenSar B A DIFFERENTIATOR AND PROMISING Technologies’ Interim Managing Director, Anant L C O M Goenka, adds, “The amount of focus that I now P BUSINESS MODEL A C T personally put on ESG compared to even a year - A C Amidst global volatility, sustainability has ago has gone up to 3x. Before, it was an esoteric C E N skyrocketed to the top of the CEO agenda. In +15% T topic – now, it has become core to how we U 83% 98% R the 2013 edition of the UN Global Compact-do business.” E C E Accenture CEO Study, 83% of CEOs said they felt O S T U accountable for the sustainability performance In fact, the degree to which CEOs agree has D of their company. Today, 98% of CEOs believe also shifted – in 2013 only 19% of CEOs strongly Y it is their role to make their businesses more agreed that they were accountable for their sustainable. Luis Maroto, President and CEO of firm’s sustainability performance, but in 2022 Amadeus IT Group S.A., shares, “Sustainability that percentage has leapt to 72%. Betrand was part of our agenda during the pandemic, Schmitt, CEO of BDR Thermea Group, states, and will continue to be core to our agenda “These days, sustainability is an integral part of moving forward. We need to keep the focus on doing business. CEOs must be able to discuss sustainability despite uncertainty as it will help and implement a full sustainability agenda.” 2013 2022 CEO Study Question CEO Study Question As CEO, I am accountable for the It is the role of a CEO to make sustainability performance of my company my business more sustainable Sustainability is, therefore, clearly at the top As CEOs recognize the opportunity sustainability of the CEO agenda, as it presents a path to presents, over half of CEOs across industries protect companies against the rising tide of (63%) are launching new sustainable products uncertainty and unlocks opportunities for greater or service offerings (Figure 4). CEOs in competitiveness. As Sunil Duggal, Whole Time communications and media (75%), financial Director, Group Safety Officer & Group CEO of services (74%), and travel (74%) are leading the 12 Vedanta Limited, says, “A sustainable business is charge. Kailash Lalpuria, CEO & Executive a profitable business, and you are only going to Director of Indo Count Industries, notes, “Being stay relevant if you are pursuing the sustainable sustainable is no longer a cost of doing business; agenda.” Chief Executive Officer of Coty, Sue Y. it is a catalyst for innovation, growth, new market Nabi, adds, “Sustainability is the ultimate driver opportunity, and wealth creation.” of innovation. I believe it is the most significant business imperative of our time.” 32 12. For further information, please reference our industry cuts beginning on 88. 33

Accenture CEO Study United Nations Global Compact - Page 33 Accenture CEO Study United Nations Global Compact Page 32 Page 34