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T H E 1 2 T H U CEOS RECOGNIZE THAT THEIR WORKFORCE IS A CRUCIAL LEVER TO N I T E BUILD RESILIENCE, AS EMPLOYEES ARE THE ENGINE OF ANY BUSINESS D N “If you want the best people to A T I work for you, you have to have O N diversity. And it needs to have top S G L O THE TALENT CRISIS IS THREATENING period, and an 85% net profit increase over a sustainability, it would have to be fully embedded management buy in. If you don’t B A 18 do that, you’re not going to be L C BUSINESSES’ ABILITY TO OPERATEfive-year period, reports Gallup. Krishna Mohan within organizations. Leaders would be compensated O successful.” M Puvvada, Regional President & Business Director, based on sustainability outcomes, and each division P A C Globally, 96% of CEOs report talent scarcity as a CB India, of Novozymes South Asia Pvt. Ltd., would have specific goals. These are the actions T Solange Ribeiro, - A top global challenge impacting their business — C adds, “I think resilience is linked to a purpose. If we need.” Vice-president of Neoenergia and Vice-chair C E of the Board of the UN Global Compact N the second highest of all global challenges organizations are purposeful, and if you’re able T U R surveyed. Furthermore, 94% of CEOs feel to communicate that purpose, and employees A DIVERSE WORKFORCE IS A KEY MARKER E C E that the resilience of their businesses is being believe and develop a strong attachment for the OF AN INNOVATIVE COMPANY O S T impacted by employees lacking the relevant purpose, I think the chances of high employee U D skills for the future of work, with 91% pointing productivity and retention – and thus resilience – Companies that embrace diversity, equity, and Y to lack of sustainability talent. Giovanni Caforio, are much higher.” As proof, 41% of CEOs stated inclusion (DEI) are not only taking action on their “Sustainability also means how MD, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive that they were reevaluating their companies’ sustainability values, but also building resilience. much humanity, compassion, and Officer of Bristol Myers Squibb, explains, “We feel core purpose to build resilience. Over half (56%) of CEOs are increasing their workforce empathy your business has for your that for the first time we are competing for talent diversity to build resilience. Cultivating a diverse employees. It’s important to include internally and externally with the same intensity. workforce with varied mindsets is more likely to all these criteria into sustainability We’ve spent as much time retaining our current ORGANIZATIONAL ALIGNMENT TO in order to bring out the potential SUSTAINABILITY IS A KEY LEVER create meaningful innovations and attract stronger and creativity of your employees.” workforce as we are recruiting from outside, and OF RESILIENCE talent to strengthen resilience. Sandra Wu, Wen-Hsiu, the number of business functions where this is Chairperson and CEO of Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd., NK Chaudhary, happening has increased as well.” Companies that embed sustainability in their explains, “As a corporation, we need innovation to Social Entrepreneur, Chairman & DNA are better suited to adapt to the challenges survive. And innovation comes from a diverse group Managing Director of Jaipur Rugs CEOS ARE HARNESSING THE POWER of the future. CEO of Intrepid Travel, James of minds. Creating something together, bringing in OF VALUES-ORIENTED CULTURE TO Thornton, states, “Sustainability attracts new different experiences and knowledge, values, and CULTIVATE A STRONGER WORKFORCE talent to our business. Having high performing, backgrounds, paired with an open minded and level engaged staff is critical for our business environment, is key.” Given the talent crisis, CEOs recognize the resilience, and the more we do in sustainability “Being sustainable is now part of need to develop a business that attracts and and purposeful projects, the more we see growth However, as part of an inclusive workforce, companies the Amadeus value proposition for retains talent. This is especially true in times in the engagement of our people.”must also take care of their people. To that end, 58% employees. We also see that being of turbulence, where having a committed of companies are offering physical and/or mental a responsible company is top of workforce and attracting and retaining top talent Forward-thinking CEOs are embedding a wellness resources for their workforce. Chuck Robbins, mind for new hires these days.” are both linked directly to business resilience sustainable mindset throughout all levels of Chair and CEO of Cisco, emphasizes: “Culture Luis Maroto, and profitability. Per Gallup’s annual report on their company and reinforcing that philosophy matters a lot more than people think. We do several President and CEO of Amadeus IT Group S.A. employee engagement, companies with a highly through tangible objectives and goals. As Belén tactical things to contribute to our culture, such as engaged workforce have 21% higher profitability Garijo, Chair of the Executive Board and CEO of maintaining transparency, granting great flexibility on 17 on average.Merck KGaA, shares, “The workforce is crucial work location, and embracing mental health.” While it for mobilizing on sustainability plans. Each and is heartening to see the private sector taking mental Creating a strong culture aligned with company every business leader in an organization has to health more seriously, there is vast inequality in “Our view on sustainability values that resonate with employees is a be contributing to the sustainability priorities treatment options globally. As reported by the encompasses promoting female key differentiator for companies. It helps and goals.” World Health Organization, 70% of individuals with leaders within our organization as attract and retain talent, build resilience, and mental health disorders receive treatment in well as promoting gender equality empower employees to make decisions aligned To ensure accountability to sustainability high-income countries, compared to only 12% in with our suppliers.” with business interests, thereby increasing a targets, 34% of companies are linking leadership 19 low-income countries. Meshvara Kanjaya, company’s effectiveness. Companies with a remuneration to sustainability targets. Business CEO of PT Supra Boga Lestari Tbk. strong organizational culture experienced a for Development’s Chief Executive Officer, Karen 25% growth in workforce over a three-year James, states, “For leaders to truly embrace 5217. Gallup (2022) Bring your company culture to life to create results 18. Ibid.19. United Nations (2022) Nearly one billion people have a mental disorder: WHO.53

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