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T H E 1 2 T H U FIGURE 8: CEOS ACROSS THE GLOBE FEEL THAT THEY NEED STRONGER SCENARIO FOR SPEED AND SCALE, CEOS NEED Case Study N I T PLANNING AND ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES TO BUILD RESILIENCETO UNLOCK THE POWER OF THEIR E ASAHI D N ECOSYSTEMS A T I O N CEO Survey Question: What do you need to make your business more resilient?CEOs realize the power of harnessing S G Open Innovation For All L O their broader ecosystem to foster open B A innovation, unlock unprecedented value, and L C Asahi Group, the global beverage business from O M accelerate progress on the SDGs. Haruo P Japan, is not just pushing the envelope with A C Naito, Representative Corporate Officer and T - TOP 3 NEEDS FOR CEOS TO MAKE THEIR BUSINESSES MORE RESILIENT ACROSS REGIONS innovation, but is sharing those innovations with A CEO of Eisai Co., Ltd., shares, “Taking action is C C the globe to build more resilient communities. E N not limited to just one company. Cross-sector T Open sourcing innovation allows the private U R partnerships are important for solving social sector to be more agile and efficient in E C E DEVELOPING COUNTRIESDEVELOPED COUNTRIESissues such as global health. It should involve addressing the world’s most pressing problems O S T the entire ecosystem, including international U and catalyzes deeper innovation. D organizations, governments, and the private Y 1. Scenario Analysis1. Transparent Stakeholder Dialoguesector.” 2. R&D for Innovation2. R&D for Innovation At the Ibaraki plant of Asahi breweries, 3. Transparent Stakeholder Dialogue3. Scenario AnalysisTo start, most (87%) CEOs say they need more a proprietary process has been developed transparent dialogue to truly understand the that utilizes biomethane gas from the plant’s needs of their stakeholders. As Geraldine wastewater to generate electricity using fuel Matchett, Co-CEO and Member of the Managing cells. The company plans to open up this NORTH AMERICAEUROPEBoard of Royal DSM, notes, “The only way we technology without patenting it to expand its can truly move the dial and be resilient is through impact, and many of the firm’s partners and 1. Scenario Analysis1. Transparent Stakeholder Dialogue competitors have already shown interest. 2. R&D for Innovation2. R&D for Innovationdeveloping a much better ability to work with 3. Industry Consortiums to 3. Industry Consortiums to Define Scenario Analysiseach other transparently.” Furthermore, Asahi group believes in Define Resilience Targets government partnership to expand their To encourage open sharing of insights, some impact, as there is a limit to what one company CEOs are turning to international coalitions. can achieve. The company established a Héctor Hernández-Pons Torres, CEO of Grupo partnership with a local government to use Herdez, notes, “Partnerships and engagements a biomaterial from their brewing process in global organizations such as the UN Global that improves the rooting of rice plants, and ASIA Compact have been an important source of protects the plant from species that eat at the inspiration as well as access to best practices roots like the jumbo snail (channeled apple 1. R&D for Innovationand learning, which has allowed us to take 2. Transparent Stakeholder advantage of others’ experiences to advance snail). This process is non-toxic and doesn’t Dialogue with greater speed to face various challenges.” negatively impact biodiversity like some other 3. Scenario Analysis fertilizers. Asahi has shared the process with The only way the world will be able to make Australian farmers that were having similar any progress on sustainability is together. problems, multiplying its benefit globally. LATIN AMERICA As CEO of Braskem, Roberto Simões, explains, & THE CARIBBEANAFRICAOCEANIA“In order to achieve the sustainability commitments 1. Scenario Analysis1. Scenario Analysis1. R&D for Innovationthat we defined, we have to work together 2. R&D for Innovation2. Access to Financial Resources2. Support from Governmentwith competitors, suppliers, the customers 3. Educational Resources on Resilience3. Support from Government3. Scenario Analysis– everybody. And, for the first time, in every industrial sector, and the chemical and petrochemical sector especially, we have to find technological solutions in the very short term in order to address these challenges.” 58 59

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