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T4 Liquid people T4 Liquid people social impact. As the debate about the workforce of the future intensifies, why not set, for example, a measurable goal for energy company workers to help their customers reduce consumption? Or for bank staff to assist their customers with meeting savings goals? Of course, not everyone wants to save. As people’s needs change, makers of products and services will need to embrace new ways to understand them, and to help them define who they are and make good decisions. Organizations must understand both the particular priorities and concerns of different people – as well as where shared priorities and concerns overlap. Worldwide, the number of people aged over 65 is expected What’s next? to double between 2019 and 2050. In developed markets characterized by rapidly aging populations, some retirees’ search for meaning is expected to become a growing concern. In Europe, while the total population is projected to increase Liquid people is not a by-product of the rise of new definitions from 511 million in 2016 to 520 million in 2070, the working age of corporate growth – it’s far more personal and profound. population will fall over the same period more significantly Initially, it’s likely to feature most heavily in more developed, – from 333 million to 292 million. Come 2030, the US’s older western markets, but its impact is likely to be far-reaching generation is expected to outnumber its children for the first over time. Eventually, people’s recategorization of products time in the country’s history. they regard as lacking function or seeming wasteful will also see value itself redefined. “All too often, individuals are left to their own devices when it comes to finding a new sense of purpose in a post-retirement We fully expect to hear more about ethical anxiety – perhaps period that could be as long as the middle years in duration,” it could even become the Oxford English Dictionary “word of according to Marc Freedman, author of How to Live Forever: the year” in 2020. It’ll sit in the background as we navigate The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations. “Many trade-offs not only between competing ethical demands, (How feel like they are all alone in navigating the new terrain, far has this product had to travel? How well was it produced?), practically and emotionally.” but also between these demands and our own wants and desires. One Fjord designer told us that her housemate refused to join There’s opportunity for organizations to develop products and her in decreasing plastic consumption because he was already services that help retirees in their search for a new sense of who “doing enough” by being vegan. they are. At the same time, companies must be cautious about making assumptions based on any person’s age or life stage. A For now, conscious consumerism may not be for everyone but preference for conscious consumption and for products, services as it becomes a new social currency, it will go mainstream in and work with alternative values – and without negative impact certain markets – and organizations must be ready to respond on the world – is just as likely to be held by people in their thirties when it does. and forties as by teens and twentysomethings. Liquid people suggests that we need to connect customer This trend isn’t a generational shift – in other words, it’s not just and employee experience much more closely than ever before. about Millennials. As we understand more about ourselves and If both customers and employees are seeking similar goals, our responsibility to our planet, people of all ages will be thinking why not link them implicitly or explicitly in the pursuit? Imagine this way in ever-growing numbers. It follows, therefore, that if employees gained much higher job satisfaction by delivering all organizations will need to think more carefully about how the new types of added value to customers? After all, 60 percent they design for and communicate with all generations of of young people launching their careers want a job with customers and staff. 57 58

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