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Editorial guidelines Company name & legal lines Everyday name: Globally Legal lines Please include an attribution statement, which may appear in small, but still legible, print, when using any Adobe Adobe trademarks in any published materials—typically with other legal lines at the end of a document, on the copyright page of a book or manual, or the legal information page of a website. Email signatures, voicemail greetings, marketing, event signage, copyright line, Global trademark attribution statement trademark attribution, business cards, social accounts, sponsorships, etc. List of Adobe marks used, beginning with “Adobe” and “the Adobe logo,” if used, followed by any other Legal entities marks (in alphabetical order) “are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries.” Only used when legally required. Check with your Adobe contact. Example Never Adobe, the Adobe logo, Creative Cloud, and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of • Adobe Incorporated Adobe in the United States and/or other countries. • Adobe Systems • Adobe Systems, Inc. • Adobe Systems Incorporated • Or any other variation. 10 Adobe Confidential | 03 May 2023

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