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Our Approach at Salesforce Inspiring Others We cannot prevent global temperatures from exceeding 1.5°C through our actions alone, and so we’re working to empower other organizations to amplify their own climate policy voices. Together, we will motivate governments to implement robust climate policies, change behaviors, and enable a just and equitable transition to a sustainable world. We strive to find and empower partners who help broaden our efforts by: Bringing others with us, Ö Leveraging our technology to develop an open exchange ecosystem in which because we’re customers can advocate for science-based climate policiesº stronger together Ö Building and supporting coalitions to bring the voice of business forward where it is currently missing, such as our work with REBA and policy working groupsº Ö Mobilizing our ecosystem of employees, customers, and peers to join us in engaging with lawmakers on critical issues. Providing confidence Ö Being an early mover, instilling confidence for others to join us as advocatesº to grow the movement Ö Engaging our peers, offering support and expertise as they strive to take new, bold positions on climate policy. Sharing learnings with Ö Reporting about our work through public disclosures on the policies we others so we can all engage on, modeling new levels of transparency for our industryº move forward faster Ö Sharing our best practices for engagement, how we need to improve, and where companies can work together to enable others to benefit from our learnings. Salesforce is demonstrating strong corporate leadership by publishing climate policy principles and climate action plans rooted in the latest science and aligned with a Net Zero future. If we are going to tackle the global climate crisis head-on, we need every company in every sector to follow suit. Companies must not only slash their own greenhouse gas emissions, but advocate for the climate- Mindy Lubber Ceres CEO and President smart policies and investments that will ensure a more equitable transition to a decarbonized economy and sustainable financial system. 6 |

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