downgrade. 4. Attribution In the event a single customer clicks two different affiliate links, the last affiliate gets the credit. Wedo,however,reserve the right to modify this in certain circumstances. PromotingRELAYTO 1. RELAYTObranding Do: Capitalize all letters in “RELAYTO”. This is important to maintaining consistent branding. DoNot:Usefalseormisleading statements on the benefits of using RELAYTO (e.g. “Get rich quick with RELAYTO”). Do not modify or adjust the RELAYTO wordmark or logo in any sort of marketing material you might create, including the creation of any visual badges or dual-logo lockups. 2. What to call yourself Aswehavemultiplewaystopartner with RELAYTO and several ways to reference those relationships, here are some guidelines around what you can and cannot call yourself within the RELAYTOAffiliate Program. Do: Say you’re a “RELAYTO Affiliate" or “Affiliate Marketer”. 3. Buying ads Youwill not purchase ads that direct to your site(s) or through an affiliate link that could be considered as competing with RELAYTO’s own advertising, including, but not limited to, our branded keywords. If running ads, you need to direct the ad to your own website (and not to RELAYTO.comorastandalonelandingpage). Policies that don’t fit into the other buckets 1. Survey participation: We would encourage you to participate in any affiliate-specific NPS surveys, industry surveys, marketing surveys, etc. as we request. 2. Sharing placements: When requested, you’ll share the places you’ve used your affiliate link. This includes, but is not limited to, links, screenshots, and email sends. 3. Purchasing RELAYTO yourself: One of the benefits of the Affiliate Program is we don’t require you to purchase RELAYTO products. Though if you decide to purchase, we require that you do not use your own affiliate link.
Affiliate Channel Program Policies (ACPP) Page 2 Page 4