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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS OurPractices Respect Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Freedomtoformorjoinorganizations. Our employees have the fundamental human and labor right to form or join organizations. The scope and purpose of these organizations varies from traditional trade union structures to solidarity and support groups. This freedom is buttressed by our respect for freedom of opinion and expression, and our commitment to non-discrimination and non-retaliation that ensures equal treatment for union and non-union employees. Freedomtobargaincollectively. Globally, we apply or are party to dozens of collective bargaining agreements at national, regional, sectoral, and enterprise levels. The agreements cover key topics in the employment relationship, including wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Workplace participation and representation. Most countries have systems of direct or indirect employee participation in the workplace. Direct participation means that employees and management have direct interactions, whereas indirect participationmeansthatelectedemployeerepresentativesareinvolvedintheprocess.Thesesystemsmaybestatutoryornon- statutory, and involve varying degrees of access to information, consultation, and decision making at either the site or the companylevel. Workscouncils exist in most European countries. The works council is a representative body elected by employees that has arighttoinformation,consultation,andsometimesco-determination,includingapprovalofcertainmanagementdecisionsor measures that impact employees. Works councils can also propose items or topics for discussion with management. We havenumeroussitesinEuropewithemployeerepresentativebodies,manyofwhichhavetradeunionrepresentativesserving onthem.InEurope,wearepartytohundredsofworkscouncilagreements.Wearealsointheprocessofestablishinga European works council that would provide employee representation across our sites in the European Union. WehavedozensofAssociateForumsinwhichemployees,electedbytheirpeers,meetdirectlywithsitemanagementat regular intervals to share ideas, concerns, information, and feedback, giving employees and managers an opportunity to directly engage on key decisions that affect the site or employee experience, including working practices, shift schedules, andemployeewell-being. In addition to these indirect forms of participation, Amazon provides and supports channels for direct employee participation, which are discussed in greater detail in the report: • AssociateRoundtableMeetings.AssociateRoundtablemeetingsprovideemployeesandmanagersameaningfulopportunity to discuss issues, ask questions, and get immediate feedback. Roundtable meetings are used globally; the exact cadence varies by business line and site. • Connections. Connections is a real-time, Company-wide employee feedback mechanism designed to listen to and learn fromemployeesatscaletoimprovetheemployeeexperience.Eachday,Connectionsquestionsaredeliveredtoevery Amazonemployeeonacomputer,aworkstationdevice,orahandscanner.Morethan1.5millionresponsesfromemployees are generated daily across Amazon, including Corporate, Amazon Web Services, World Wide Operations, and Last Mile delivery. • Voice of the Associate Boards. Voice of the Associate Boards are physical and virtual boards operated in our fulfillment centers around the globe. These Boards provide employees a forum for expressing their concerns, offering suggestions, andaskingquestions on a daily basis. Management teams reply directly to questions, promoting dialogue and efficient remediation of issues. Content that involves worker rights, collective bargaining, and unions is freely shared. In 2021, our managersreceived and responded to more than 210,000 comments, questions, and issues raised on the Voice of the Associate Boards. • Regular In-Person Meetings. In-person meetings include all-hands meetings with general managers, stand-up meetings withdirectsupervisors,andone-on-onemeetings.Thesein-personmeetingsservetoprovideemployeesdailyopportunities to engage with management, raise issues, and make suggestions to continually improve the workplace. Access to remedy. Our commitment to respecting human and labor rights includes enabling access to effective remedies. Our employees have multilayered protections and remedies, both internal and external. We encourage active reporting of employeeissuesandconcernswithoutfearofreprisal,intimidation,orharassment.Weprovidetrainingtoemployeesontopics covered within the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, including how to submit anonymous complaints. First and foremost, any employee can go directly to Human Resources, the Legal Department, or any manager with a suggestion, concern, feedback, or complaint. 60

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